Bridging Academia and Industry: A Medical University as Pioneering Minds

The Medical University of Graz’s new strategic profile has emerged as a model of how academic institutions can lead the way in the convergence of medical education, research, and entrepreneurship. It is an area in which many academic institutions are still lagging behind.

However, the Medical University of Graz developed a vision of how technology transfer and spin-off creation can work in the service of creating real societal impact in the region and beyond, affecting medical education, and patient care, while commercialising and sharing research to benefit society.

Vice-Rector Birgit Hochenegger-Stoirer has been instrumental in developing this ambitious strategic endeavor – an endeavor that has placed the University at the forefront of healthcare education reform, even anticipating the spin-off creation targets set by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research.

Given her role, Birgit Hochenegger-Stoirer was invited to the Spin Off Austria Conference to share her experience and to offer an inside-view into strategy development and partnerships that gave rise to the new profile. It serves as a inspiration for how universities can embrace both academic excellence and entrepreneurship and to foster their synergies.

Make sure you don’t miss out on her talk, which you can find here:

We, theLivingCore, have been a key partner in the process of developing and implementing the new profile of the Medical University of Graz – and if you’re interested in creating a spin-off strategy with real impact, we’d love to talk to you too. Make sure to get in touch.

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Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash